Techmate 7000: If Wall Street says a Verizon iPhone is coming Tuesday, is it no longer a rumor?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

If Wall Street says a Verizon iPhone is coming Tuesday, is it no longer a rumor?

Granted, it’s not Walt Mossberg, but if the Wall Street Journal is betting the house that Verizon will be announcing the iPhone is coming as early as Tuesday, is it really a rumor anymore?
It’s the rumor that simply refuses to die. The iPhone is coming to Verizon. And that was always in the near future, when the deal with AT&T was to expire. But with AT&T adding a bevy of new Android headsets, and rumors that Apple was working on a CDMA version of the iPhone, the heat was rising on the rumor and a break in the story seemed imminent. Then there’s the timing since Apple always seems to love to drop a rumor bomb in the middle of CES. But now the Wall Street Journal is drinking the kool-aid and declaring that Verizon (not Steve Jobs) will be announcing as early as Tuesday that the iPhone is finally coming.
And Verizon is having an event Tuesday from New York City. But usually, big Apple product news comes at an Apple event right after CES. So is it a rumor or is the clout of the Wall Street Journal enough to make this a credible story? Can someone get Mossberg on this ASAP?

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